Tv: Supernatural: “dog Dean Afternoon”

The dog, an adult, white, English pointer named “Frederick,” had been on death row in Amarillo, Texas, this past summer. Frederick beat the odds and left the facility alive; he was then transported on a rescue flight to Cypress, where he managed to escape from a fenced in yard at an interim foster home. Frederick’s escape took place months ago – on June 13. The woman who was in the process of adopting him, Shirley Friis, is still hoping that Frederick will turn up somewhere…though by this time, it seems that he could be anywhere, perhaps even beyond the borders of the state from which he disappeared. Though Friis is not able to help with local searches, she has sent out lost dog fliers to shelters and veterinary offices in the area, and she spends much of her time searching through rescue and adoption sites with the hopes that Frederick will turn up. As of yet, nothing. Frederick was not microchipped and today, he may or may not have a collar on. A Facebook page, Help Find Frederick , has been established to help keep those who are involved apprised of what is taking place. Friis is desperate to find this dog, even though she has never met him. She wrote: I truly love this dog even though we have never met. He is identical to a rescue dog named Norman who died from cancer 3 years ago and it was as if I had the opportunity to love him all over again. The foster thought I was nuts, to love a dog I had never met. Please take a moment to network Frederick’s photos and if anyone has any information about his whereabouts, please email: or call 859-951-9005 If you would like to continue receiving the latest dog related news, tips and advice, please click the “Subscribe” icon which is located at the top of this column. It is free and anonymous to sign up For updates and further discussion, follow the National Dog News Examiner on Facebook and Twitter! I am human; if you see a typo, please let me know.

Texas private school principal faces jail for ‘letting her dog’s leg rot and fall off’

An online fundraising site for Rainey, pictured, has raised more than $5,800 toward her amputation surgery, reconstructive surgey and possible prosthesis.

And since Dean doesnt do the spell until a third of the way in, theres a lot of dead time at the beginning. Theres also some dead time at the end, because Chef Leo isnt the best villain. At least in theory, Leos cancer (and subsequent decision to break bad) should make him at least somewhat sympathetic. But instead hes just smarmy and says things like Wolf trumps dog before getting torn apart by the pack of dogs Dean set free (the fake teeth dont help). And as fun as this all is, a lot of this animal business raises a whole host of uncomfortable questions. Learning that all animals have a comprehensible language capable of discussing the nuances of classic rock would probably give me pause about continuing to eat them but theres no chance Dean is going to up and become a vegetarian, right? And as awesome and ridiculous as Dean eliminating Leo with a pack of dogs is, did the dogs develop a taste for human meat? Did they always feel comfortable eating people? Was Dean into said consumption of human meat? Obviously, these are pretty silly questions about a pretty silly episode of television, but the fact that they jump out is indicative of the way Dog Dean Afternoon falls apart a bit at the end, especially since theres even more Zeke stuff. Dean has to lie to Sam again, and we dont even get to see Jared Padaleckis Tahmoh Penikett impersonation. Thankfully, this is kept to a blessed minimum, and its not enough to ruin the talking animals. But it is enough for Dog Dean Afternoon to occasionally resemble the show chasing its own tail, and not in the fun way. Stray Observations: Some great names in this episode, especially SNART and the restaurant literally called Avant-Garde Cuisine.

Meet the Dog Who Knows 1,000 Words

Thanks to her language learning, Chaser has been called the most scientifically important dog in over a century by Duke University animal-intelligence researcher Brian Hare. Language learning is an interesting test of animal intelligence because it requires unconsciously grasping a series of concepts in much the same way that children do as they advance from wordless babbling to complete sentences.For me, the most crucial common characteristic of dogs and toddlers is that they both learn best through play.I made games and other playful interactions with Chaser the basis of an ongoing conversation, speaking to her throughout the day in simple words and phrases just as I would to a toddler. Our language games revolved around finding, chasing, fetching and herding her toys behaviors that released her instinctive drives as a border collie. Instinct-based play gave the toys value in Chasers mind, and that in turn gave value to the words proper nouns and common nouns, verbs and even prepositions, adverbs and adjectives I spoke to her in connection with the toys. (MORE: What Your Dog Is Thinking) Chasers first conceptual breakthrough came when she was 5 months old when she realized that objects like her toys could have unique names. Like a young child, she also grasped the referential cues my holding up a toy and pointing to it while saying its name that enabled her to map a particular word to a particular object (called one-to-one mapping by language-learning researchers).That learning opened the door to a succession of concepts. Chaser learned that nouns and verbs have independent meanings and can be combined in many different ways (combinatorial understanding). She learned that a single thing can have more than one name, like a favorite stuffed animal that can be identified both by a unique proper name like Franklin and the common noun toy (many-to-one mapping). She learned that a single common noun, like stick or car, can identify several different things (one-to-many mapping). And she learned to reason by exclusion, meaning that she can identify a new object shes never seen from among a group of familiar objects simply on the basis of hearing its name for the first time (drawing an inference).

Death row dog skirts the needle, disappears before arriving to forever home


“Despite all of this she is the sweetest, gentlest little girl who loves to be in your lap!” the post describes her. RELATED: HORRIFIC PHOTO: SHEEP CRUSHED TO DEATH EN ROUTE TO MARKET Red Collar Rescue/via Facebook Rainey is described as ‘the sweetest, gentlest little girl who loves to be in your lap’ by an online fundraising site. A second dog belonging to Martinez was found suffering from a chronic ear infection and chronic staph. A third was severely underweight and suffering from sores, according to police. ABC reports that Martinez told cops she “had trouble” taking care of the dogs because of her busy schedule that included work with nonprofits. Red Collar Rescue/via Facebook Martinez told police that allegations of neglect were ‘totally unfair.’ Bone from Rainey’s exposed paw is seen. But she claimed the allegations of neglect were “totally unfair.” “It really upsets me,” Martinez told KTRK.

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